Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How people survive the work place political jungle Essay

Recognize positive and negative corporate legislative issues and clarify how these can impact business commitment. The exposition will try to recognize positive and negative corporate legislative issues. The essayist will begin by characterizing corporate governmental issues in attempting to have a comprehension of corporate legislative issues and how it impact representative commitment Kakabadse (1983) refered to by Armstrong characterizes governmental issues as ‘a process, that of affecting people and gatherings of individuals to your perspective, where you can't depend on authority’. Associations comprise of people who, while they are apparently there to accomplish a typical intention, are, simultaneously, determined by their own needs to accomplish their own objectives (Armstrong, 2009). There is huge contrast between corporate governmental issues and negative corporate legislative issues. This can seen from the impact the two have on worker commitment and the reason for the person that is to state constructive corporate governmental issues is done as instrument primarily by the executives and managers to attempt to impact other staff in order to meet hierarchical objectives. Positive corporate governmental issues is ordinary never really advantage of the association overall. Then again negative corporate governmental issues is unavoidable †it is pointed accomplishing personal circumstances and as a rule it is against hierarchical objectives Positive corporate legislative issues incorporate the way toward impacting singular undertaking and aspiration to the benefit of all. A few people really accept that utilizing political intends to accomplish their objectives will profit the association just as themselves. Constructive corporate legislative issues can subsequently represented in the accompanying case; Mrs Takuta is the Personnel at ZTRD Development Bank and is nominated by Taurai who she went to a similar University and the two were in a similar class. Taurai was more smart than his manager and as a result of the connection between the two, Mrs Takuta consistently think that its hard to provide Taurai orders and in extraordinary circumstances taur ai will challenge his chief. In the journey to have work done through her lesser, Mrs Takuta will utilize the accompanying proclamation â€Å"the HR Manager needs the report done before the finish of the day†. Mrs Takuta would utilize the HR Manager’s power to impact Taurai to play out his obligations. To a similar impact, Positive corporate legislative issues can expand effectiveness, structure relational connections, assist change, and benefit the association and its individuals at the same time. This can be accomplished if people with great influence can utilize their capacity to impact individuals from staff with this impact. Thusâ positive corporate governmental issues would likewise incorporate the various forces vested in them to impact positive representative commitment and increment in efficiency. The executives can enable their workers to settle on choices about their occupations †adaptable self-governance, award for good execution among others. Positive corporate governmental issues includes activity by people or gatherings to procure create and use power and different assets so as to acquire favored results (Hellriegel, Slocum and Woodman, 1995) Armstrong (2009) ch aracterizes power as the ability to make sure about the strength of one’s objectives or incentive over others. People and chiefs would thus be able to impact legitimately and by implication utilizing the different kinds of forces. French and Raven (1959) refered to by Armstrong distinguished the four distinct sorts of forces that can be utilized to impact different representatives and the force are; reward power, coercive force, master power and authentic force. Prize force is when people and chiefs utilize the prize capacity to impact or get consistence from subordinates by promising or giving prizes that incorporates compensation increment, rewards or even advancements. The administration typical utilize this force emphatically to accomplish organization objectives. Coercive force is utilized to acquire consistence through dangers of discipline and genuine discipline. For instance promising to terminate a representative in the event that they use organization vehicles for individual use. The capacity to impact others with the force moored in one’s proper situation of power hence the real force. People can utilize their authentic places of power to complete things through others. Real force centers productively around work execution. Master power is when people have impact as a result of the valueable data or information they gangs. The supervisor’s power is improved on the grounds that they think about work routines and assignments before their subordinates. Corporate governmental issues includes battles between social elements for assets, individual clash and an assortment of impact strategies executed by people and gatherings to acquire advantages and objectives in various manners (Molm 1997) refered to by Vigoda, (2000). Molm’s perspective on corporate legislative issues would positively reflect negative corporate governmental issues. Ferris, Russ, and Fundt, (1989) refered to by Vigoda (2000) characterizes negative corporate governmental issues as conduct deliberately intended to expand personal matters. Corporate governmental issues can negate the aggregate authoritative objectives or the interests of others. Medison etal 1980) refered to by Vigoda, (2000) saw that whenâ individuals were approached to portray work place legislative issues they would show self serving and manipulative exercises. It would then be able to be comprehended that negative corporate advantages people to the detriment of the whole association or a work unit. The conduct is in this way connected with control, criticism, rebelliousness and ill-conceived utilization of capacity to achieve one’s targets. Corporate governmental issues would then be able to prompt employment tension, decline work fulfillment, and withdrawal from the association. Dorory (1993) refered to by Vigoda, (2000) found that corporate legislative issues has a potential demaging impact particularly on lower status workers. He estimated that workers who did not have a steady force base and powerful methods for impacting apparent authoritative legislative issues as a wellspring of frastiration and respond by demonstrating negative mentality towards the association. Workers can feel disengaged and miserable on the off chance that they are not part of a durable group or in the event that they are beset by problematic force govern mental issues. All in all, one can subsequently sum up that positive corporate governmental issues strengthens representative commitment. Workers will in general put more exertion either on the grounds that they anticipate a reward or have been guaranteed compensation for such execution. In other words representatives can be impacted by the prize force. Representatives try sincerely or don't do undesirable practices to stay away from discipline. by and large, representatives will likewise offer regard to those in power in this manner the authentic force. In any case, then again, worker won't proceed true to form that is negative commitment which can be brought about by negative corporate legislative issues. Utilizing contextual investigations, examine how individuals inside an association can utilize political strategies to endure the corporate political wilderness? People inside an association which can be compared to a political wilderness carry on jobs in endeavors to build up characters they wish to pass on, and which can bring about close to home increase. It ought to likewise be noticed that individuals modify the picture they decide to introduce, and the system used to introduce this picture, in view of the circumstance they are in and the results they want to accomplish that is the means by which they plan to endure (Chad etal 2003). With this impact, note that people don't really utilize a similar strategy in each circumstance. Moreover, various people may pick various strategies when confronted with comparative circumstances. For instance, though one individual may utilize self-advancement to get a proposition for employment, that equivalent individual may useâ ingratiation o r sanity trying to acquire an advancement or increase in salary. Then again, another person, when confronted with a similar circumstance, may utilize ingratiation to get a bid for employment and confidence or self-advancement to win a salary increase. Various people may utilize various relevant variables which impact strategies an individual decides to use, under what conditions the person decides to utilize them, and how viable the strategy of decision will be. Such factors incorporate the overall intensity of the gatherings, the heading of the impact endeavor, the goal of the impact endeavor, and the political ability of the influencer (Falbe and Yukl, 1992; Ferris, Perrewe, Anthony, and Gilmore, 2000) refered to by Chad etal (2003). Buelens etal (2011) likewise buy in to indistinguishable strategies from recognized by Appelbaum and Brent (1998). He called attention to that people would utilize various strategies to get impact inside an association or rather to get favors and advancements from their supervisors. It is anyway accepted that political conduct is far less normal and less exceptional among workers in lower-level situations than among representatives in more elevated level positions. There are an assortment of political strategies utilized by representatives at pretty much every hierarchical level that incorporate shaping alliances and systems, impression the executives, data the board, seek after line obligation , ingratiation , normal influence, meeting and trade Appelbaum and Brent (1998) . Shaping alliances and systems most popular as systems administration, is a political strategy which comprises of become a close acquaintence with notable individuals. These individuals may not be in places of any conspicuous political worth however their employments may give them data that could be helpful to have. A few people ï ¬ nd that shaping companionships with individuals in upper-level administration can assist them with accessing significant data (Appelbaum and Brent (1998). The a bove can be outlined in the accompanying case: Zikanda was an errand person at RIT Energy. Regardless of the way that Zikanda was only a delegate, other senior workers would consistently give him regard and at most occasions adjust to his needs and favors. For a long time in a similar association, I never acknowledged why even center level directors

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Learning How to Read Essay -- Cognitive Process, Childhood, Reading

Figuring out how to peruse is a complex subjective procedure which advances all through adolescence. So as to grow great perusing and composed aptitudes, an individual requires both orthographic information and phonological mindfulness (Waldie et al., 2013). Orthographic information is the capacity to utilize data put away in memory to speak to communicated in language in composed structure. Then again, phonological mindfulness alludes to the capacity to distinguish and comprehend sound structure and phonemes (the littlest units of unmistakable sound in a particular language). Models of perusing, for example, the equal appropriated preparing (PDP) models propose that both orthographic and phonological frameworks cooperate to enact lexical semantics (Waldie et al., 2013). A few kids have extraordinary trouble in figuring out how to peruse, and if this difficult perseveres, might be surveyed to recognize whether they have a learning handicap, for example, dyslexia. In this paper a conc ise meaning of dyslexia will be given trailed by a short presentation of early research that focuses towards an organic reason for dyslexia. Explicit neural pathways and cerebrum districts will at that point be recognized and discoveries talked about corresponding to explicit land territories of the mind explored in dyslexics. There are a wide range of meanings of dyslexia, however most examinations describe dyslexia as a neurobiological issue bringing about perusing weakness notwithstanding the scholarly inclination, sociocultural chances, and inspiration to peruse with exactness and familiarity (Lyon et al., 2003). It can likewise be described by troubles in spelling, working memory and translating capacities. Moreover, dyslexia can be extensively classified into two principle types: formative or obtained, in spite of the fact that there are num... ...f Neurology, 7(1), pp. 35 - 46. Rumsey, J.M., Donohue, B.C., Brady, D.R., Nace, K., Giedd, J.N. and Andreason, P. (1997). A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Planum Temporale Asymmetry in Men with Developmental Dyslexia. Chronicles of Neurology, 54(12), pp. 1481 - 1489. Schneider, P., Scherg, M., Dosch, H.G., Specht, H.J., Gutschalk, A. and Rupp, A. (2002). Morphology of Heschl's Gyrus Reflects Enhanced Activation in the Auditory Cortex of Musicians. Nature Neuroscience, 5(7), pp. 668 - 694. Waldie, K.E., Haigh, C.E., Badzakova-Trajkov, G., Buckley, J. and Kirk, I.J. (2013). Perusing the Wrong Way with the Right Hemisphere. Mind Sciences, 3(1), pp. 1060 - 1075. Wernicke, C. (1874). Der aphasische Symptomenconplex: Eine psychologische Studies auf Anatomischer Basis (The Aphasia Symptom-Complex: A Psychological Study on an Anatomical Basis). Breslau: Cohn and Weigert.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Rational Emotive Therapy for SAD A Sample Session

Rational Emotive Therapy for SAD A Sample Session Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment and Therapy Print Rational Emotive Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 16, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Hill Street Studios/Getty Images Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is a type of therapy that deals with overcoming irrational beliefs and changing your reactions to the negative events that happen in your life. Basic REBT theory is based on the ABC Model: A Activating Event (something happens)B Belief (about the event)C Consequence (emotional reaction to the belief) According to REBT, your reaction (C) is the result of your belief (B) and not caused directly by the event (A). The goal of REBT is to change your belief (B) so that your reaction (C) also changes. This is done through a process known as disputation, which is usually completed with the help of a therapist. For example, imagine that you have a fear of making introductions. Perhaps you arent sure of the etiquette, worry that you will forget someones name, or just feel too anxious to even make introductions or introduce yourself to others. In situations where introductions are required, you might avoid speaking or wait until other people introduce themselves. Sample Session Below is a sample conversation that you might have with your therapist about this fear. Client: I feel afraid to introduce people like I might say the wrong thing or embarrass myself. When I have to introduce myself, I feel awkward and usually end up saying nothing. Strangers probably think I am stuck up, but I just feel too anxious to do anything. Therapist: So you are afraid that other people will think you are bad at making introductions. What is so bad about that? Client: Im not really sure, but I just cant seem to do it. I feel awkward. Therapist: So other people end up thinking you are a snob. So? Client: Well, its hard to make friends when you make a bad impression. Therapist: Well, the main problem is the pressure you put on yourself to make the introduction. It makes you overly anxious about the situation to the point that you do nothing. You and your therapist would then work on a list of MUST statements. These are those irrational beliefs that you tell yourself in the situation that leads to you feeling bad about yourself: I MUST come across well to others or else Im worthless. I MUST be socially competent or else I am no good. I MUST not make mistakes in social situations or I am a misfit. One technique to work on these must statements is to write them down on index cards with more rational statements written on the reverse of each card. For every must statement, you and your therapist might come up with four or five healthier replacement beliefs. For example: Front of Flashcard: I must come across well to others. Back of Flashcard: I might like to look good all the time, but I dont have to.Its not horrible if I make a mistake introducing people.Even if I dont introduce myself, people wont hate me.Even if I forget to make introductions, its not the end of the world. Your therapist would then have you look at these cards whenever you have a few minutes in your day to practice your new ways of thinking. Eventually, you will learn that it is not making introductions that make you anxious, but rather the demands that you put on yourself that it must go well. Even if you never get better at making introductions, you can be less anxious about the whole experience. As a way of extending your irrational thoughts even farther, imagine the worst-case scenario: Everyone you know starts avoiding you because you are bad at making introductions. When you can get to the point of seeing your fears as ridiculous, you can start to let them go. In addition to working through your irrational beliefs, you can also take steps to improve your social skills and learn about etiquette in the areas that make you uncomfortable. A Word From Verywell In summary, the basic premise of REBT when applied to social anxiety is to work on overcoming the irrational belief that everyone must like and approve of you in order for you to be of value. The process is usually done through a series of questions known as disputation with a trained therapist, though you can also practice replacing beliefs on your own. At the heart of REBT is the notion that you make the situations in your life better or worse depending on how you think about them. The 9 Best Online Therapy Programs

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Movie Review on The Green Berets

The 1968 film The Green Berets, starring and co-directed by John Wayne, presents a very pro-American and jingoistic view of the Vietnam War, sugarcoating the more violent and abhorrent aspects of the US Army’s activities during the war in favor of a more benevolent, patriotic mindset. The film follows Colonel Mike Kirby, leader of a Green Beret Unit, as he fights in South Vietnam and defends his men against actions taken by the North Vietnamese. In this essay, several aspects of the film will be critiqued, comparing the viewpoint explored in the film with the truth of US Army actions during the way. The biggest piece of evidence towards the film being a propaganda piece is its direct confrontation of the negative press that had built up around the Vietnam War in the character of Beckworth. In the beginning of the film, Beckworth is the stereotypical skeptical reporter, the audience’s represenatative for those who doubt the validity of America’s involvement in Vietnam. From the beginning, when Muldoon (Aldo Ray) explains the reasons for entering the war, and the weaponry the Viet Cong have at their disposal, America joining in is painted as absolutely necessary, and even extremely welcomed by the South Vietnamese. When Beckworth protests, challenging these facts, Kirby asks him if he has been there. Beckworth’s admission of never having gone to Vietnam is supposedly evidence of the invalidity of his opinion, as it shames him to the point where he feels it necessary to go there. Beckworth is conveniently missing for the film’s climax, where the majority of the action takes place. This leaves him out of the action until the very end, where it is presumed he has changed his opinions about Vietnam, and will come back with a greater appreciation for American troops. This is also exacerbated by Kirby’s story to Beckworth about the atrocities the Viet Cong inflicted on a South Vietnamese village, adding that â€Å"it’s difficult to talk about the place unless you’ve been there.† While this is evidence of Wayne’s overall intention (to pay homage to the troops, not necessarily the war), it is a clear answer to the critics of the war itself, implying that, unless you have actually been there, you have no right to your opinion of the conflict. The film presents a fairly black-and-white portrayal of the US reasons for entering the Vietnam War, equating the civil war in Vietnam with a potential invasion of America in the beginning. â€Å"They need us, Ms. Sutton,† says one soldier in the beginning, â€Å"and they want us.† The characters of Captain Nim (George Takei) and Ham Chuck are emphatic examples of friendly South Vietnamese figures, both presented as stereotypical but sympathetic figures, who have the respect of the all-American troops who are there to free their homes. In fact, many on both sides of the conflict did not want the Americans there, because they would escalate the conflict, and certainly some South Vietnamese resisted the involvement of a foreign country in their own civil war, despite the assistance they received. The Green Berets (and the US military as a whole) is presented as a benevolent force for good in Vietnam. The film conveniently whitewashes the atrocities that the American armed forces had inflicted on both North and South Vietnamese alike, and the reasons for going into the war were glorified. It offers a very old-fashioned, traditional view of war, more familiar in World War II movies, than the gritty realism and guerilla warfare of the Vietnam War would indicate. Instead of mud, rain and trenches, the base camp is in wide open space, in bright Technicolor, and everyone jokes around with each other, particularly Ham Chuck. The Viet Cong are presented as a band of murderous savages, particularly when a VC wanders into their camp and brought in for questioning; a clear distinction is made between ‘good Vietnamese’ and ‘bad Vietnamese,’ when the alliance was far shakier. The Americans are seen giving things to the innocent South Vietnamese, the only real hesitation seen in the village chief who just wants to talk to Kirby, refusing requests to come into the base. Otherwise, the film paints a very broad picture of the American forces freeing the South Vietnamese from the animalistic atrocities of the Viet Cong. Warfare in this film is presented in a very straightforward, close-distance manner, when in reality it was much more enclosed and chaotic. The climax of the film (in which the Green Berets attempt to kidnap an NVA general), is full of very generic, ordered, bloodless combat, unlike the brutality and animalistic warfare indicative of the real Vietnam War. The general in question is presented as a tyrant, who is living well while his men starve and remain unclothed. This is a very stereotypical, jingoistic way of presenting the NVA as monsters that have to be stopped; yet another method of increasing the sympathy for the American forces and the protagonists of the film. The defensive battle earlier in the film is modeled after the Battle of Nam Dong, arguably one of the more justified and heroic battles of the war, for American forces at least. In it, NVA and Viet Cong forces attacked a military camp (the titular Nam Dong), where many died to defend the camp successfully. The Americans were not the instigators in the battle, making it a PR boon for the United States; a Medal of Honor awarded to Capt. Roger Donlon for defending the camp was â€Å"the first Medal of Honor awarded to an individual who distinguished himself while serving with a friendly force engaged in an armed conflict in which the United States is not a belligerent party† (TIME, 1964). As a result, it is easy to see why John Wayne inserted an analogue to this battle in the film; it presented realism in its portrayal of the war, but in a way that implicated the US as instigators the least. In conclusion, the action of The Green Berets presents a very incorrect and skewed view of America’s involvement in Vietnam, likening it to the positive, straightforwardly black-and-white experience encountered in World War II. While there is a slight presence of skepticism in the form of the character of Beckworth, his presence seems to only be there in order to refute that skepticism and present an objectively positive viewpoint on American involvement. In short, the film appears to be quite narrow-minded in its presentation of the war, and its transparency as a propaganda piece is evident. References Armed Forces: One Who Was Belligerent. (1964, December 11). TIME. Retrieved August 7, 2011, from,9171,897370,00.html Wayne, J. (Director). (2007). The Green Berets [Motion picture]. United States: Warner Home Video.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Racial and Cultural Prejudice Essay - 766 Words

There are many themes woven into the play The Merchant of Venice, Prejudice being the most evident. This prejudice is mainly racial (against race) or cultural (against lifestyle, i.e. religion, culture†¦) and is one of the leading causes of conflict in the play. Prejudice towards Jews, prejudice towards Christians, and prejudice towards people of different colour and prejudice of others with different nationalities, are all present in the play. (transition) Here come another of the tribe: a third cannot be matched, unless the devil himself turn Jew. (III, i, 73-74) This one quotation perfectly displays the attitude held towards the Jews at the time of The Merchant of Venice. In this quote, Solanio is stating that the Jew is worse than†¦show more content†¦The quote, â€Å"You don’t fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.† -Bobby Seale, makes it known that when hate is involved, nobody wins. This hate caused Shylock to tak e things too far in order to receive his fair share of what he called â€Å"justice.† He lost the humanity that he was being given in his sufferance, and was made the bad guy. Often, when discrimination is present, it is best to be the bigger person. (transition) Even though Portia is a very courteous character, she too exhibits her portion of discrimination. When she hears of the Prince of Morocco’s arrival, she says: â€Å"If he have the condition of a saint and the complexion of devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me.† (I, iii, 128-130) Without even knowing him, she is classifying him as undesirable. In real life, people of darker skin have often been mistreated and even forced into slavery. The quote, â€Å"You have among you many a purchasd slave, which, like your asses and your dogs and mules, you use in abject and in slavish parts.† (IIII, i, 90-92) displays how, at the time of The Merchant of Venice, it was socially acceptable to kee p others as slaves. These slaves have had their lives purchased and, though they are just as human as anyone else, they have been treated no better than animals simply because of the colour of their skin. The image of a young coloured boy crouching behind a sign that saysShow MoreRelatedRacial Inequality : Guess Who 11352 Words   |  6 PagesRACIAL INEQUALITY IN GUESS WHO 1 The 2005 film Guess Who illustrates how racial inequality is present within society, and how race is used by our society to create and manufacture social categories. This film is about a black female named Theresa and a white man named Simon that fight against the racial inequality present within their society and choose to be together. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

School Unifoms Free Essays

Part 1: Purpose The purpose of my bill is to give some children their freedom and creativity back, by allowing them to express how they feel through their clothes instead of wearing a uniform. Being able to tell a little bit about someone at first sight just by their clothes isn’t always bad. Even though school uniforms would make equality among the children, its also blocking their creativity and giving them the wrong message on how to look at things. We will write a custom essay sample on School Unifoms or any similar topic only for you Order Now People always say how horrible it is to judge people by what they wear or by what’s on the outside, but it’s not all stereotypical. Just by looking at someone you can tell a little bit about them, such as if they like different bands, or movies or games. You can tell if they don’t care about their appearance, or if they shop at expensive stores you can tell they might be wealthier. Clothes are a big way of expressing how you feel about different subjects. This bill will help people be able to do that. Another reason that we should not have uniforms is natural disasters. How would a parent identify their child? Most parents know what their children wear to school for the day, and it is a very easy way to pick out your child. Or another is what if a student with superiority attacked a younger age student how would they be able to describe their attacker or pick them out of a group if they all look the same. â€Å"School is a place where the next actors, writers, artists, politicians, inventors, designers and musicians are trained. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that comfort is important and creativity is not, that authority is allowed to abuse its power and constrain our constitutional right of free speech and expression. Students learn from uniforms that their individuality, political opinions and religious rights are unimportant, as is their education; students are regularly suspended for non compliance to the uniform code even if their school work is excellent. If uniform-requiring schools were actually in ‘the business of learning’ this would not occur† says Tara Maginnis. They’re all wearing the same uniform. I fear that as adults people don’t have the same opportunity as teenagers and children to express these things. As adults we can wear uniforms and suits, but children are not paid executives they should have the experience of wearing what they want, and by making them wear school uniforms we are taking away that experience. Suits and other formal clothes. can be saved for adults, but not for children. My bill will help kids experience these things. Many parents and teachers believe that enforcing school uniforms would create equality among the students. By creating this equality parents and teachers believe that it will cut down on bullying and peer pressure to dress nice. But unfortunately students will find other ways to bully a peer. Its also important for childrens minds to pick out their own clothes to wear. It has been proven that alowing children to pick out their own clothes creates a better thinker, and independence. No parent or teacher wants their child/stufdent to believe that making everything equal is the way things work in the world, and wearing uniforms everyday will make them believe this. This bill will not allow any school in America to have school uniforms. This will include both public and private schools. This bill will support kids throughout America to express their creativity, outgoing styles, and unique personalities. Making children wear uniforms is against freedom of expression. We are containing our children’s creative minds by making them wear uniforms. Clothing is a very big way for children to express themselves and their personalities. The way they define themselves is not only through their feelings and actions, but also through their clothing. A child’s mind is growing and we are restricting them as children. We are crippling their young creative minds by making them wear the same uniform day after day. Parents and teachers should not have the right to take away a child’s creative minds. That is what this bill is for. Goals for this bill would be†¦  · give kids freedom to pick their own clothes  · give them their freedom of expression  · find other ways to deal with teasing and etc  · save money for parents, and the government  · show people who want uniforms why this bill is important  · give children their creativity and another way to express it  · get rid of some clothing stereotypes  · give them the experience These goals are very possible if this bill is passed. I will try my hardest to make them all happen if my bill is passed. The affects of this bill will be a big turning point for all the schools and students, and parents, when they realize that having uniforms is a bad thing, and it’s much better without them. This bill will need a lot of cooperation from school’s staff all around America. It will need to be enforced by the government, but in every school we are going to need to cooperation from all principal. They have a giant impact on what the children and parents believe is right for the school. This will mainly need to be enforced by the government. We need them to make sure that every school in America is following the rules that are in the bill. The government is the only one that can do that. Part 2: Definitions Superiority: A higher ranking or a higher status person. Crippling: Disabling, impairing, weakening. Non Compliance: Dont agree, refuse. Part 3: Date effective This bill will be going into affect August twentieth. This way it’s not in the middle of the school year and parents haven’t already spent money on expensive uniforms that their child won’t even be wearing for more than half of a school year. Part 4: Costs Benefits This bill is not a big money issue. In the end, we will be saving parents, the government, and the schools money. First by taking away uniforms you would think that the parents would end up losing money, but that is not how I see it. Once the parents buy the uniforms for the children they don’t have to buy any other clothes for school for their children. No child is going to wear their school uniform outside of school. The parents will end up purchasing just as many clothes and spending more money than the parents who don’t have to buy uniforms. That would be for public schools but then on the other hand, public schools are funded by the government. This way the government would save money too, by not having to buy uniforms for all of the public schools. Also if the schools did not have to ask for uniforms from the school, they could ask for more supplies for the buildings, and help the needs of the school. But I am fearful that the schools with uniforms will disagree, and we will end up making a compromise so that this bill will get passed. How to cite School Unifoms, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Concepts of Lifetime Fitness Essay Example For Students

Concepts of Lifetime Fitness Essay Concepts of Lifetime Fitness Essay September 1, 1997 Homeostasis is the state of equilibrium in which the internal environment of the human body remains relatively constant. Two excellent examples of homeostasis are how the body maintains a constant temperature and blood pressure during strenuous physical activity or exercise. Although there are many other activities in the body that display homeostasis, I will only discuss these two. Temperature in the human body is usually kept at approximately 37 degrees Celsius. To maintain such a strict temperature, the body has a few functions to combat the outside elements. People cannot make themselves cold as readily as make themselves hot, however I will mention both homeostasis functions. When the external temperature decreases, a portion of the brain called the hypothalamus detects the drop by means of the blood. To compensate, the brain sends chemical and electrical impulses to the muscles. These impulses tell the muscles to begin to contract and relax at very high intervals. This is commonly known as shivering. The production of Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP in the mitochondria of the muscles produces heat. If the body temperature does not rise immediately after this, then a second function begins. The brain will signal the blood vessels near the skin to constrict or narrow in diameter. This occurs so the heat deep in the muscles is conserved. Since the vessels are now smaller in diameter, less blood is needed to fill them. Since less blood is needed through the vessels, the heart begins to slow. If the body remains in this slowed state, hypothermia could result. Hypothermia is the condition in which metabolic processes are inhibited. The medical world has taken advantage of this by inducing hypothermia in patients that are undergoing organ transplants. To fight temperatures higher than normal, as in exercise or on hot days, the body reacts in the opposite way than with cold. Again, the hypothalamus detects the change of temperature in the blood. The brain signals blood vessels not to constrict, but to dilate. This increases the diameter of the vessels, and results in the need for more blood. Since more blood is needed to fill the vessels, the heart pumps faster and that causes respiration to increase. The increased respiration will make the body exhale some of the internal heat, like placing a fan in a window to cool a room. The blood vessels are dilated so the heat deep in the muscles is easily released. Another commonly known mechanism to fight heat is sweating. Sweat glands found throughout the body are stimulated by the hypothalamus to excrete sweat and when the sweat evaporates, the skin is cooled. If the body is not cooled by the time all of the internal water supply is used, it could go into hypothermia. This is when the body becomes dehydrated and proteins begin to denature. Hypothermia can result in certain death if the water supply is not immediately replenished. Some advantages to these mechanisms are the cleansing effect of sweating and weight loss. Sweat, when excreted, removes waste materials such as bacteria and water. Fat material, during exercise, is actually eaten by the body thus reducing overall weight. The second example of homeostasis is blood pressure regulation. When the hydrostatic pressure of blood is above normal, pressure sensors in the blood vessels tell the brain through chemical means. The brain will then stimulate the heart to contract or beat in slower intervals. This will cause less blood to enter the blood vessels and that will lower the hydrostatic pressure. If the pressure is lower than normal, the exact opposite happens. The sensors in the vessels tell the brain and the brain will then make the heart beat faster so more blood enters the vessels and the pressure is raised. THE INVASION OF NORMANDY EssayThe body uses many mechanisms to regulate temperature and blood pressure. Be it stimuli to the heart from the brain or messages from the blood, the body maintains its internal environment through a process called homeostasis. .

Monday, March 30, 2020

Cause and Effect of Stress at Work an Example of the Topic Career by

Cause and Effect of Stress at Work by Expert Prof Nelly | 01 Aug 2016 The problem of work-related stress has been brought to the foreground by the changing nature of the very concept of a job in the global world, which imposes extra demands on employees. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provide the results of surveys among the US employees, which are really striking. Thus, over forty percent of the participants report their job is very or extremely stressful and one-fourth of employees claim that their jobs are the number one stressor in their lives. At the same time, the tendency to growth is getting more and more evident, as three-fourths of the questioned people believe that todays worker has more occupational stress than it was the case a generation ago. So, there is no doubt about the relevance of the issue. In the current essay, I intend to prove that the main causes of on-the-job stress are a number of conditions affecting most employees in the same way despite their individual characteristics. Besides, I would l ike to show that stress effect is the progressive process, consisting of a few stages and including the physical, mental and communicational response. Need essay sample on "Cause and Effect of Stress at Work" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Undergraduates Very Often Tell Us:How much do I have to pay someone to make my essay now?Essay writers suggest: Choose The Qualified Help In Writing PapersBest Student Essay Writing Company Write My Essay Reviews Write a Paper Online Best Student Essay Writing Company NIOSH gives quite a comprehensive definition of the concept in question: Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. (Stress at work, 1998). One should not confuse the term stress with what we usually call challenge at work. The latter is highly positive and essential for employee motivation, the latter being also a natural but distressing reaction of an individual to excessive demands imposed on them. At this point, we approach understanding the main causes of work-related stress. Some psychologists argue that it is the individual peculiarity of an employees mentality and temperament that influence stress response. Most of the research, however, shows that there are common factors that play the role of stressors irrespective of the personality of workers. All of these concern job conditions and management. Thus, UNISON Guide provides a whole list of factors, forming a stressful environment: long hours, shift work, too much or too little work, lack of control and conflicting demandsespecially amongst the lower grades), poor management, bad relations with other work colleagues, repetitive work, boredom and lack of job satisfaction, working alone, job insecurity, job or organizational change, low pay, jobs with heavy emotional demands, either actual, or threatened, violence, bullying, and harassment, and a poor working environment (such as excessive noise, the presenceof dangerous materials, overcrowding, poor facilities, orextremities of temperature or humidity). NIOSH Guide authors agree that working conditions excess worker characteristics in terms of their contribution to stress. They expand on the list of the stressors, presented above, by giving examples of each factor. It is important to note that the most significant stressors lie outside purely environmental conditions like crowding, noise or air pollution, which are in fact can be eliminated easiest of all. To these non-environmental factors belong such ones as management style and work roles. By poor management style, the experts understand lack of participation by workers in decision- making, poor communication in the organization, and lack of family-friendly policies. For example, when an employee needs his or her superior permission to make any working step it both decreases productivity and increases stress reactions. A common example of work-roles stress is uncertain or conflicting job expectations or the absence of clear-cut duties when the responsibilities of a few workers intermingle. Also, an employee often faces a dilemma, when he or she tries to both meet the companys expectations and satisfy the clients needs. Human and management factors are obviously more difficult to eliminate that physical one because the former dont catch the managers eye. People get used to their conventional management style and cannot identify its weak points. All the above-mentioned factors lead to a number of distressing responses, which can be classified in at least two ways. First of all, we shouldnt forget that most phenomena in life are progressive in their development. Likewise, stress symptoms vary and intensify throughout the three basic stages. Canadian Mental Health Association defines such stages of stress response as Mobilization of Energy, Exhaustion or Consuming Energy and Draining Energy Stores. With each stage, the warning signs get more intense and serious. At the first stage, a person faces such symptoms as : increased heart rate and blood pressure rapid breathing sweating decreased digestion rate, creating butterflies and indigestion The second stage gives the following outcome: feeling driven feeling pressured tiredness and fatigue * increase in smoking, coffee drinking, and/or alcohol consumption anxiety memory loss acute illnesses such as colds and flu Finally, if the two previous stages are not escaped, the third stage brings even more threatening prospect: heart disease ulcers mental illness As well as: insomnia (difficulty sleeping) errors in judgment personality changes Sheila Hartman, Jaelline Jaffe, and others classify stress symptoms in a different way. I would call it body-mind-communication classification. They differentiate between three groups of symptoms such as physical, emotional and relational ones. A whole list of each of physical responses is provided by them: sleep disturbances, back, shoulder or neck pain, tension or migraine headaches, upset or acid stomach, cramps, heartburn, weight gain or loss, hair loss, high blood pressure ,sweaty palms or hands, cold hands or feet and so on, to name just a few. To emotional symptoms belong such ones as nervousness, anxiety, depression, moodiness, memory problems, and lack of concentration, phobias, and others. Finally, relational symptoms include increased arguments, isolation from social activities, conflict with co-workers or employers, frequent job changes, road rage, domestic or workplace violence. The multitude of different acute manifestations of stress responses may grow into chronic diseases. There are a few, which are most likely to occur to employees, who undergo stress on a regular basis and apply no techniques to eliminate it. They are mental disorders like depression, cardiovascular disease and stomach problems like the ulcer. To sum up, the list of possible stress outcomes of mental, physical and relational character is really striking. It indicates that nowadays the problem of work-related stress is excessively relevant. It is even more significant to consider because the experience proves that such stress is mostly caused by work-condition factors, irrespective of the individual characteristics of employees. One of the key tasks for modern managers is not only created favorable physical conditions of work but keep up-to-date in their management style to increase productivity and to transform the negative stressful atmosphere into the positive worker-friendly and motivating environment. References: Hutman, Sheila, Jaffe, Jaelline Stress: Signs and Symptoms, Causes and Effects April 2, 2005 Stress at work - a guide for safety reps April 2, 2005 Stress at work (1998) April 2, 2005 Stress and Burnout at Work April 2, 2005 Stages of Stress April 2, 2005

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Listening skills essay

Listening skills essay Listening skills essay Listening skills essaySome of the â€Å"filters† that might interfere with the helping relationship include individual judgments, biases, personal experiences, values, beliefs, personality traits, expectations, norms and rules. These filters may distort the message send by a person. As a result, it is necessary to develop the proper listening skills to avoid misinterpreting.Often times, people seek the advice of helping or use caution when giving advice. Often times, people seek the advice of helping professionals on personal, emotional and even financial matters. Within my role as a helper, it is not acceptable to give advice. Offering some solutions to problems may have negative effect on further communication and interaction processes. It is necessary to use the technique â€Å"reflection of feelings† in order to explain the client his feelings and help him to find the right solution.Nonverbal communication applies to the topic of active listening because it is a vit al component of active listening. Helpers should be ready to respond to non-verbal behavior in communication, such as tone, the volume of speech, tears or laughter, etc. One of examples of how misinterpreting someone’s nonverbal communication can result in distorting the intended message is the situation when a helper fails to understand eye contact and silences. These elements of non-verbal behavior may signify some negative attitudes, which require adequate response. Both salience and eye contact may interpret one’s feelings.My strengths as a communicator include the ability to organize my thoughts in a proper way, active listening skills, patience, self-control, openness in communication, and the ability to avoid conflicts. My weaknesses as a communicator include the improper skills in interpreting non-verbal communication and behavior. I need to use my active listening skills more effectively to become professional in communication with clients.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Cover song Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cover song - Essay Example Listeners could hear the following musical instruments: guitar, drums, and bass guitar with vocals. The first few seconds from the start until about 8 seconds, listeners would hear only one musical instrument, the guitar at the background which starts soft and melodic with regular beats and rhythmic patterns. At the start of the 8th to 9th seconds, listeners are given the chance to hear the vocals with accompanying instruments that included the drums and the bass guitar. The first few verses of the song were completed within 30 seconds and then, a louder drum instrument started in the 39th second with accompanying vocals that says: â€Å"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah† two times. The second set of verses started in 1 minute 4 seconds, again with vocals and a more softer accompaniment of musical instruments (guitar, bass, and drums) and lasted until about 1 minute 34 seconds, again, exactly 30 minutes in regular rhythmic pattern before going to the â€Å"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah† vocals (1 minute 35 seconds to 1 minute 57 seconds). After this phase, the refrain portion started with louder vocals and musical background starting with â€Å"I like it I’m not gonna crack†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and returns to this phrase after repeating the refrain twice (ending after two minutes 29 seconds). A brief space of musical instruments in bass, drums and guitar ensued (2 minutes 33 seconds up to 2 minutes 40 seconds) after the refrain in preparation to the third set of verses where the lyrics of the first verses were apparently repeated. Likewise, at 3 minutes 34 seconds the refrain was also repeated and ended abruptly at about 4 minutes and 10 seconds with the last beat from the vocals and the drum. The musical elements that were predominantly heard were distinctive of rock music with a lot of accompanying drums and bass guitars and the melody was more than average verging to increasingly loud crescendos, especially during the refrain. The cover song

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Last 3 question assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Last 3 question - Assignment Example As a project manager, I want to be an achiever. Success and achievement will be the founding pillars of who I want to be. In all my professional undertakings, I will strive to manage expectations of all involved stakeholders, especially the expectations of my employer and that of the company’s clients. Undeniably, meeting or surpassing expectations as a reliable indicator of an achiever’s competence. In case of changing needs and expectations, I will align my task performance procedures with the new stakeholders’ expectations. Undeniably, project management will help me achieve my goals. First, project management emphasizes on measurability of task progress. Secondly, project management recognizes the element of timeliness in task progress. Moreover, project management values the aspect of feedback and communication with a project’s stakeholders. As aforementioned, I would ensure client satisfaction by becoming an achiever. Feedback and effective communication, which is an essential element of project management, will be influential in facilitating client satisfaction (Brewer, 01). In addition, my wildly important goal will materialize only if I will be able to keep track of a project’s progress through objective measurement of deliverables in terms of cost and

Monday, January 27, 2020

Swiss Graphics Designer Max Huber

Swiss Graphics Designer Max Huber Profile of Max Huber 1.1 His Brief Introduction Max Huber was an outstanding and influential Swiss graphic designer in the 20th century. In 1919, he was born in Switzerland, and in 1992, he died in Sagno, Switzerland. When he was 17, he had the opportunity to study in the Zurich School of Arts and Crafts which was very famous in Switzerland, because there were many outstanding teachers in this school, such as Otto Weber, Ernst Gubler, Heinri MÃ…Â ¸ller, Gottlieb Wehrli, Alfred Willimann and Walter Roshardt who were very outstanding in Switzerland. And when he studied in this school, Max Huber always spent much time to stay in the school library, because those outstanding teachers usually suggested that he should know and learn more knowledge about the experiments of Bauhaus-designers such as European abstract artists and russian constructivists by using the school library resources. And then, Max Huber as one of the great graphic designers began his professional pace, what should be pointed out is that Werner Bischof, Josef Mà ƒ ¼ller-Brockmann, Carlo Vivarelli and Hans Falk gave him many creations help and inspiration in his formative years (Hollis, 2006). 1.2 His Work Experience In 1935, Max Huber began his career in Zurich, at the beginning he worked at an advertising agency, and then he worked for the Emil Schultness at ConzettHuber, at the same time, he met Max Bill and Hans Neuburg who were also the famous industrial designer and graphic designer. When he was at the age of 21 in 1940, the World War II broke out, in order to do not join the Swiss army, Max Huber moved to Milan (Italy). When he arrived at Milan, he could only stutter a few words using Italian. However, the stuttering did not disguised his talent, relying on a calling card which was seemed to be printed at the first sight, but the elegant card was made by the hand-drawn letters with their careful spacing through a closer look, that could deeply impress Antonio Boggeri, and then Antonio Boggeri decided to hire Max Huber. Therefore, he could smoothly join the Studio Boggeri. When he worked in the Studio Boggeri in Milan, Max Huber considered that illustration, painting, photography and printi ng could be fused in together, and little by little, by exchanging ideas with other same-age designers, he became the avant-garde artists and the leading exponent in term of the plane design field. In 1941, Italy also entered the Second World War, so Max Huber was forced to be back to his motherland Switzerland, and between 1942 and 1944, he built the influential art magazine Du with Werner Bischof and Emil Schultness, and he also joined the Alliance Association of Modern Swiss Artists, and exhibited his abstract work with a group of modern Swiss artists at the Kunsthaus Zurich. However, when he stayed in Zurich, he could not forget Studio Boggeri and Milan, and he always thought that Studio Boggeri and Milan were so exciting and attractive, so he decided to be back to Milan as soon as possible. When the Second World War ended, he was appointed as the creative director by the Italian publisher Einaudi for the publishing house, so he could have the chance to contact with the post-war Italian intelligentsia, and at that time, he believed that the design had the ability to restore peoples beliefs and values in the aftermath of the Second World War. 1.3 His Design Concept Max Huber always persist in their design idea, he never make use of his images in a strict sense, in order to convey a certain feeling of dynamism and speed, he always used the combination between unframed flat photographic and typographic elements with strips of color, and in his design, people could identify these elements which were not used to tell a story. By the use of bold shapes and primary colors, Max Hubers work was focus on photographic experiments and clear type, and his strict work elements were easy to be identified. In addition, Max Huber preferred the clarity, rhythm and synthesis, and his work usually showed different hierarchical groups by the use of succinct texts, and so on. Anyhow, he never was influenced by fashion and other external factors, he had been insisting on his own ideas. Milan is an international metropolis, and Max Huber as a famous designer was usually invited to attend many international design-conventions, and he could be contact with other major designers by those international design-conventions or trips, and he fell in love with Takeshi Konos daughter and married her, Takeshi Kono was also one of the leading Japanese designers, Max Huber spent about two years in Japan. So, he could learn the different design ideas to apply in his works. 1.4 His Design philosophy After World War II, Max Huber had been keeping the humanistic design belief, and with a variety of cultural influence in Milan, he designed a series of works using the design aesthetic utopia for enterprise and business promotion. It can say that Max Huber was the pioneer of utopia aesthetic. Utopia is a vision of mankind for a better society, and is also the best human society in human ideology as the same as the earlier utopian socialism. Utopia Esthetics is the use of people yearning for a better life to inspire people to dream (Freitas Vieira, 2005). Max Hubers design used and developed this concept, which made him achieve great success, so, in his design of future life, nowhere is the design of using this concept, and this humanistic conception of design received highly attention in Europe, his purpose was to rescue people from the war. In order to achieve his target, Max Huber has always insisted on being a freelance designer, and he always worked as the direct collaboration w ay with his client. He tried his best to create the balance between the demand of each client and his own demand (Campana, et. al., 2006). Even the clients proposed comparative funny request, he would try to meet the demand of clients, and if the advice had a little use, he would be willing to modify his plan. So, Max Huber always loved innovatory research, and always kept a lively curiosity to follow his ideal and faith. 2.0 Visual Analysis 2.1 Gran premio dell Autodromo Monza In 1948, Max Huber designed the celebrated poster for the Monza Grand Prix, the name of the celebrated poster was Gran premio dell Autodromo Monza, and its size was 1400x1000cm, this work helped him win the first prize in the competition, and this work as the same as Max Huber was well-known all over the world. This works color was bright, and the content was simple and comprehensive, it truly and clearly displayed the Monza Grand Prix. Meanwhile, this work showed the stronger sense of hierarchy to attract peoples attention, which also represented Hubers brilliant and innovative design; perfect arrow curve was very good to show circuit authenticity (ICONOFGRAPHICS, 2007). This work precisely and vividly showed his creation idea and design concept to people; it also released this modern design concepts and ideas; it was apparent that this work was showing his futurism inspiration. In a word, this work had lively format, bouncing color, fluent text, exquisite design and powerful sense of hierarchy, which could deeply attract peoples attention. 2.2 La Rinascente Italys largest department store chain La Rinascente is located next to the Cathedral Duao Mo; La Rinascente means recovery, rehabilitation and re-production, which could also be consistent with Max Hubers design concepts and aesthetic utopia. Max Huber worked for the department store La Rinascente from 1950 to 1954, in 1951, he designed the monumental work for La Rinascente, this work was named La Rinascente which was used for advertising, and its size was 295x205mm, and today, this trademark has been familiar with people all over the world. This work had also distinctive color, red, black and white were clearly distribution, and font also was concise and representative. This work could be firmly remembered, even if only once. In a word, this work could not only bring many commercial gains, but also change the masses feeling to La Rinascente and Milan visual scenery. It was more important that this work changed that era of collective memory (Campana, et. al., 2006). 3.0 Conclusion In conclusion, through the analysis of Max Huber, it appears that Hubers work was consistently innovative, and by combining painting and photography with other graphic media, he remained avant-garde throughout his career, bringing the utopian vision of the modern masters to bear on corporate typography and identity design. Many of his works are classic, and he made great contribution to modern aesthetics.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Biblical Worldview Essay Essay

Introduction/Thesis The Bible’s New Testament book of Romans, chapters 1-8, provides a fundamental perspective and useful resource on how God desires to shape our worldview. A biblical worldview in a society that gravitates to a sinful nature can be a challenge. Paul, however, provides insight that may not encompass every theological truth, but provides the basis of establishing a biblical worldview. Specifically, these chapters provide the essence of how Christians should view the natural world, human identity, human relationships, and culture. The Natural World Paul’s description of a worldview of the natural world is supported in the Bible several times. The book of Genesis begins with God’s creation of the heavens and earth as described in Genesis 1:1. Romans 1:20 also supports God as the master creator by explaining, â€Å"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.† (NLT) But, because of man’s sinful nature, people turn away from Him and deny His power and divinity. In Romans 1:21-23 Paul states, â€Å"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.† (NIV) Despite the evidence of God’s existence, people turned away from Him, worshipped idols, and continued to relish in sin. Human Identity God created man in His image and put mankind over the rest of His creation. In fact, God has ranked man just a little lower than the angels and has anointed us with His glory and honor (Psalms 8:5). So, why is it we have an identity crisis? It is because of sin, we have fallen out of God’s grace. Romans 3:10 states, â€Å"There is no one righteous, not even one.† (NIV) It is through Adam’s sin that we are all now held in God’s contempt. God understands man is bound by his sinful nature. But, Paul describes our  opportunity for redemption in Romans Chapter 8:1-2, â€Å"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.† (NIV) â€Å"Although the ‘law of sin and death’ is more powerful than our moral will-power, the ‘law of the Spirit of life’ more powerful than the ‘law of sin and death’. It has the power to liberate us.† (DeLashmutt) Through Jesus Christ, we are able to reclaim our human identity as God’s children. Human Relationships Human relationships have been tainted with sin since Adam and Eve. God has provided other human relationships as a gift to us. It’s through these human interactions we demonstrate God’s love through us. Though human nature leans toward sin, especially in dealing with human relationships. Our refusal to acknowledge God will allow us to fulfill our own sinful hearts and desires. These selfish motivations lead us to fulfill the desires of our heart instead of the desires of God’s heart. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul provides a detailed description of the wickedness and immorality of the people. Sin is what separated us from God and a relationship with Him in the first place. God restored this, however, through our gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus’s life and human relationships, as described in throughout the Gospel, provide a perfect example of the biblical perspective on human relationships. Culture The biblical worldview on culture that Paul describes in Romans is a society that has systematically imploded. Romans 1:26-31 provides explicit detail on the Roman culture at that time. Sin was running rampant through the society. People knew God and they rejected Him anyway. This type of sinful nature and blatant rejection of God spread throughout the culture. (Romans 1:32) People were determined to live in defiance of God and by their own legalistic views of the law. Paul stated that those under the law were lawless because the people abused the law to provide selfish gains or as a means to stand in judgement of another, especially the Gentiles. God meant for the law to be good, but man manipulated it to his own advantage. On the contrary, obedience demonstrates humility. Paul states in Romans 5:19, † For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners,  so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.† (NIV) The philosophy in this scripture supports God’s desire for us to be the light in the world to shape our culture for His purpose and not our own. Paul maintains that the grace that we as Christians are under was achieved by one Man’s (Jesus’) righteous act (Rom. 5:18). (McCracken) Conclusion I believe that Paul’s epistle is just as relevant today and it was in his time. Paul’s thoughts and insight provide sound perspective for biblical worldviews for believers to mature in their faith. These biblical worldviews about our natural world, human identity, human relationship and culture are applicable to current believers because human nature has not changed. These messages are just as relevant to us today because there is still sin in the world that will not end until the Second Coming of Christ. In the meantime, we can use Romans 1-8 as a guide to align our biblical worldviews with God’s heart. Paul’s perspective on biblical worldviews, such as these, are just one of the many gems we can get from the Word. References DeLashmutt, G. Walking by the Spirit Part 1. Teaching Series from Romans. Retrieved on 5/1/15 from McCracken, R. (April 20, 2014). The Difference Between Legalism and Obedience. Bible Study with Randy. Retrieved on May 2, 2015 from

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Diagnostic Control Systems: Implementing Intended Strategies Essay

The article authors, Johnson and Kaplan looks at how management accounting has evolved over the years and within different industries and how those management accounting reports have failed to help mangers make decisions to reduce costs and improve productivity. The authors state that contemporary trends in competition, technology, and management demand major changes in the way organizations measure and manage costs and how they evaluate short- and long-term performance. The article takes a look at management accounting over varies periods of times and specific industries and discusses how at each period of time the management reports were used. For example, in the 19th century after the Industrial Revolution it was observed that gains could be earned by managing a hierarchical organization. The management system at the time focused on conversion costs and produced only summary results. Fast-forward a several years to roughly around 1925, we see that the management accounting practices that are practiced today had been developed by that time. They had been evolved to serve the control and informational needs of managers of increasingly complex and diverse organizations. As time progressed it is not until after the 1920s that the authors believe that evolution of management accounting did not keep the pace with the improvement in corporations’ product and process technologies. It is stated that the systems today provide misleading targets for managerial review. They fail to provide the relevant set of measures that reflect the technology, products, processes and competitive environments. Which has resulted in what they consider as today’s problems: distorted product costs, delayed and overly aggregated process control information, and short-term performance measures that do not reflect the increases or decreases in the organization’s economic position. Johnson and Kaplan conclude by stating that if companies fail to make modifications in their management accounting systems, their ability to be effective and efficient global competitors will be inhibited. Diagnostic Control Systems: Implementing Intended Strategies In chapter four, Robert Simons introduces what is known as the third lever of control: diagnostic control systems. These systems are defined as the backbone of traditional management control, and are designed to ensure predictable goal achievement. The other levers (Belief systems, Boundary Systems and Interactive Control Systems) are mentioned in the reading as well, however the focus of chapter four is to discuss the diagnostic control systems. He highlights three features that distinguish the control systems: (1) the ability to measure the outputs of a process, (2) the existence of predetermined standards against which actual results can be compared, and (3) the ability to correct deviations from standards. The chapter goes on to describe critical performance variables. Those variables as defined are those factors that must be achieved or implemented successfully for the intended strategy of the business to work. The term, â€Å"key success factors† can also be used. In which effectiveness and efficiency are the prime criteria for the selection measures used in diagnostic control systems to ensure that they are managed both effectively and efficiently. Kaplan and Norton uses the term â€Å"balanced scorecard† to describe a systematic way of analyzing critical performance variables and measures associated with intended strategies. This method allows managers to use measures from each of the four categories (Financial, Customer, Internal Business and Innovation & Learning Measures) simultaneously to guide their business toward the desired goals. The author conveys the message that equipping management systems to control strategy is not an easy task. Managers have to understand their strategies and be able to recognize the relationships between strategic and operating decisions and how they affect the bottom line.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Comparing Todays Media and the Chorus of Sophocles...

Comparing Todays Media and the Chorus of Sophocles play, Antigone When you think of ancient Greece, what do you think of? Do you think of outrageous myths and impossible art? Do you think ancient Greek culture has absolutely no effect on today? What many people dont realize is that the ancient Greeks have immensely affected the world today. The chorus in Sophocles play, Antigone greatly relates to Daniel McGinns article, Guilt Free TV. Antigone is a girl who wants to obey the gods and give her deceased brother a proper burial even though her uncle, Creon, King of Thebes, forbids it by law. The article and the play may seem very different but the media today is very similar to the chorus of the ancient Greek play, Antigone†¦show more content†¦They learn so much [Colleen] Breitbord says. (I think children who dont have the opportunity to watch some of this excellent programming miss out (McGinn 57). This shows what other everyday people, just like the reader, think about their children and TV. The argument goes on over whether TV is good or bad and thanks to the media, like Newsweek, it gives background information on the situation, in the beginning, there was Big Bird. Now, thanks to intense competition from Disney and Nick, there are more quality shows for preschoolers than ever (McGinn 53). The article brings the reader up to date about both sides of the TV argument for a better understanding. The article is a way to inform the public about whether TV has good or bad effects on children while at the same time, the chorus is a way to inform the audience about Antigone. The chorus plays a vital role in interpreting what occurs throughout the play, just as the media plays a vital role in interpreting whether TV is good or bad. Reporters can be nosy and sometimes rude. At the same time, so can the chorus. Do you really intend to steal this girl from your son? (Sophocles 324). Hes just saying it as if it is and laying out the facts, even though it may seem harsh. This makes it easier for the audience to better appreciate the play. The chorus says, But the ancient wisdom speaks for our own